
Nurslings of Immortality
Raynor C. Johnson

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This remarkable book is an interpretation of the universe in terms of “imaginism”.

In this book the author enlarges on the subject of imaginism, the name given to the philosophy originally expounded by Douglas Fawcett.

Raynor Johnson, that is to say, regards imagination and not reason as the key to the mystery of life. Reason tests, but imagination creates; Divine Imagination creates and sustains the universe. He pursues this conception through a wealth of fascinating data, downwards from man through living forms to “matter”, and upwards from man through data supplied by mysticism and psychical research to the possibility of a higher intelligence beyond man, with whom his life is linked. “Men and women searching for an empirical approach to a Belief in Immortality will profit by a patient and careful study of this book, because Dr Johnson here presents a series of cogent arguments and systematic evidence in its favor. To be concerned with Truth means to be willing to assess the value of every new learning that comes our way. So for those seeking further knowledge of the way the Divine Mind works, this book has a great deal to offer. The scope of the author’s knowledge is extremely comprehensive, from Physics to Religion the information he supplies is most excellent and valuable in itself.”

Oorspronkelijke prijs was: €6.36.Huidige prijs is: €5.09.

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